Herbs and Tea

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Gallinera, La hierba gallinera, pamplina, álsine : Chickweed, Stellaria media, starweed, chicken weed

Chicken grass is also known as chickweed or alsine is used to heal wounds and skin diseases


Espino blanco, Espino albar, Majuelo, tila de espino : Crataegus monogyma, Common hawthorn

It is a stimulant for the cardiovascular system that increases the force of cardiac contraction


Pericon, Te de pericón, Texas Tarragon Tagetes lucida, Sweet Mace, Sweetscented marigold yerbaniz, Mexican Tarragon

It is used internally in the treatment of diarrhea, nausea, indigestion, colic, hiccups, malaria


Caña Fístula : Cassia fistula, Golden shower, amaltas

A mild laxative with a pleasant taste. It is also used to treat various respiratory conditions, urinary conditions, and insect bites.


Ruibarbo, Raiz de Ruibarbo, rubarbo : Rhubarb root, Rheum rhabarbarum

It prevents cardiovascular diseases, as it contains fibers that reduce the absorption of cholesterol.


Zoapatle, Zihuapatle, Cihuapatli, Montanoa tomentosa , ciguapatle, cacahpachtle, chapus, gordolobo de terreno, hierba del to, zihuapatle, zoapatle o zuhuapatli.

It is used to solve problems related to labor, either to induce it or to speed it up, it is even used as an abortifacient.


Stevia, Estevia, Planta Stevia, hierba endulzante : Stevia rebaudiana, sweet herb, stevia leaf

Stevia is a good replacement for sugar and is a good supplement for people suffering from diabetes.


Semillas de Uva, Uvas, semillas antioxidante : Grape Seeds, grapeseeds

Grape Seeds improves circulation, and fight bacteria among other diseases


Sen, Senna, Senna Pods, senos de mujer, Purgante natural: Senna Alexandrina,

Senna is a medicinal plant that is used as a laxative and purgative.


Raiz de Malva, Malva, Malva comun, Malvavisco : Malva Root, Mallow root,

Mallow root is used to treat respiratory problems in addition to gastritis, gastroduodenal ulcer, constipation and diarrhea.


Consuelda, Raiz de consuelda : Common comfrey, Comfrey root, Symphytum officinale

Comfrey is an anti-inflammatory and healing medicinal plant


Jengibre, gengibre, raiz de jengibre, te de gengibre : Ginger, ginger root, ginger tea

Ginger is commonly used to treat digestion, relieve nausea, and help fight the flu and the common cold, among other things.


Raiz de grama, Couch grass, couchgrass, dog grass, grama,grass root, Elymus repens

Couch grass is good for constipation, cough, bladder swelling 


Té de limón, Limoncillo, Hierba de limón, Limonaria, Paja cedrón, Cedrón pasto, Pasto de limón, Lemongrass.

Lemon tea offers great health benefits for being a good natural anti-oxidant.



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