Black sesame, black sesame seeds: Ajonjolí Negro

Black sesame, black sesame seeds, black sesame, Sesamun Indicum, joy, haholí 3oz !!! Black sesame seeds are rich in fatty acids, phenolic compounds, antioxidants, vitamins, and dietary fiber.


Hojas de Higo, Hojas de Higuera : Fig Leaves, Mexican Natural Organic

The fig is a fruit that, in addition to being delicious, has many beneficial health properties

Nopal, prickly pear, cactus supplement 90 Capsules 700mg

Nopal, Prickly pear cactus, also known as nopal, opuntia its used for treating diabetes, high cholesterol

Cuachalalá, Cuachalalate, Cuachinalá: Cuachalalate Bark , Amphipterygium adstringens

The Cuachalalate is used for the treatment of stomach problems and gastric ulcers



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Los Angeles CA, 90043
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