Herbs and Tea

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Guarumo, Te de Guarumo, guarumbo, yagrumo, yarumo, Chancarro, Cecropia peltata

Medicinally, it is used as a remedy for diabetes, asthma, mal de san Vito, liver diseases, against obesity and to eliminate warts.

Tronadora Retama Diabetina Esperanza : Tacoma Stans Trumpet Yellow Elder bells

In Mexico, the plant is used mainly for the treatment of Type 2 Diabetes

Calendula officinalis, Flor de Calendula : Calendule, English Garden Marigold

Calendula flower is commonly used for wounds, rashes, infections, inflammation, and many other conditions.

Alta presion, Te de Alta Presion, Hipertension arterial : Tea Blood Pressure Herbs

A compound of tea for high blood pressure and high blood pressure

Te de Manzanilla, Flor de manzanilla : Chamomile Tea, Chamomile Flower, Matricaria recutita

Chamomile is used to treat digestive problems, nerves or cholesterol, as well as for skin or eye care.

Valeriana, Raiz de valeriana, Te de Valeriana, valeriana officinalis, Te para el insomnio

Valerian stands out for its ability to relax the nervous system and the brain, which is why it is indicated for people with sleep disorders

Bladderwrack, Bladderwrack seaweed, Fucus vesiculosus para la tiroide

Bladderwrack is used to treat conditions such as thyroid disorders, iodine deficiency

Gobernadora, Te gobernadora : Larrea tridentata Chaparral leaf, gobernadora tea

La gobernadora (the governor) medicinal plant is widely used in urinary tract conditions such as kidney stones or kidney stones.

Pirul, Piru, Hojas de Pirul, arbol de Pirul : Schinus molle, peppercorn, false pepper tree

It is used for the discomfort of rheumatism, using the macerated or boiled branches for local application or soaked in alcohol to rub the affected part.

Hierba Luisa, Cedron, Cidrón : Aloysia citriodora

Cedar is an effective plant to eliminate gas, bad breath and indigestion. It is also a relaxing and effective remedy for stress and insomnia.

Verbena Te, Verbena, Hierba luisa : Lemon Verbena, Lemon beebrush, Aloysia Tea

Verbena is a medicinal plant that has been used for centuries to treat stress among other things.

Tlachichinole ovariton, Tochomitillo, Tlachínole, Ovariton Te De La Mujer

tlanchichinole or Tlachichinole ovariton is a remedy for intestinal and gastric ulcers and treatment for women.

Palo de Arco, Pau D’arco, Lapacho: Lapacho tea

It is also used for diabetes, ulcers, stomach inflammation (gastritis), liver disease, asthma, bronchitis, joint pain, hernias, boils, and wounds.

Palo Dulce, Palo azul, : Blue stick, kidneywood, Natural Detox

The sweet stick tea is used as a healing, in sore throats due to inflammation of the tonsils, injuries and inflammation of the gums.



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