Herbs and Tea

Toronja, Cascara de toronja, pomelo cascara, Grapefruit rind, grapefruit peel
Grapefruit is a decongestant, it helps to relieve cold and flu ailments.
Rosa canina, Rosa Silvestre, rosal salvaje : Rosehips, rose hips, seedless rose hips
Canine rose, wild rose, or wild roses source of several essential nutrients
Sauce, Sauce Blanco, sauce plateado, sauce mexicano : White willow, salix alba, mexican willow
In their healing properties they are antipyretic, antirheumatic, anticoagulant, astringent and detoxifying.
Cuatecomate, bola de Cirian, Tecomate, Morro, Coatecomate, Huage Cirian
Cuatecomate stands out for treating symptoms related to the respiratory system such as bronchitis and asthma.
Alamo Blanco, Populus alba, chopo blanco : White Alamo, White poplar, silver poplar, silverleaf
Alamo is used to fighting colds, chronic diseases of the chest and lungs.
Tepozan, Buddleja americana, teposan, Buddleja cordata, Palo de zorro prieto, tepozán grande, Tepozan hierba
Flavonoids and iridoids are active substances that help fight cancer among other diseases
Basella Alba, Malabar, Espinaca malabar, Alba hierba Te, Tea vine spinach
Malabar Spinach Malabar is an edible climbing plant also known as Chinese Spinach, Indian Spinach. Basella Alba, Asian wonder to gain muscle mass and health
Rhatany Root, Krameria L, Peruvian Rhatany, rhatany Herbs tea, ratania
Rhatany is used for intestinal swelling (enteritis) and chest pain (angina).
Olmo Rojo, Olmo resbaladizo : slippery elm bark powder, Ulmus rubra
The Red Elm has active elements, mucilages, starch and tannins. Its medicinal application is beneficial to treat digestive, urinary and respiratory problems.
Hojas de Granada, Pomegrante : Pomegranate, Promegranate leaf, PUnica granatum
Pomegranate is considered a super antioxidant because it contains tannins, polyphenols, and ellagic acid that also help prevent Alzheimer's.
Higuerilla, Palma Christi, higuerilla iguera infernal : Ricino, Castori oil plant
The castor is a plant that has many medicinal properties for human health, which uses its leaves and seeds or fruits
Tusílago, tusilago, pie de asno, uña de caballo, fárfara, pie de asno, Tussilago farfara, Coltsfoot
Coltsfoot is used to treat broncho-respiratory diseases.
Anis, Aniz estrella, anis estrellado, Illicium verum Star Anise
Aniz tea is very often used to treat flu symptoms.
Anis, Aniz, Anise, Anis verde, Semillas de Anis : Pimpinella Anisum, anise seed
Green anise infusion is used to improve digestion by combating acidity
Wareque, Wereke, Guareque, Huereque, Raiz de Wereke : Wereque blood sugar support, Wereque Root, Ibervillea sonorae
Wereke is known to treat type 2 diabetes