Product Code: CHAYA-CAPS
Availability: Out Of Stock
Weight: 0.75lb

Price: $19.99

Studies have shown the therapeutic use of chaya in traditional medicine, it is antioxidant, anti-inflammatory and is used for the treatment of diabetes and kidney diseases (García-Rodríguez et al. 2014).

According to researchers, Chaya contains molecules such as proteins, vitamins, amino acids, fatty acids, and active ingredients (natural organic molecules) such as polyphenols (Pérez-González et al. 2017) and flavonoids, the latter of which include quercetin and kaempferol, which Together they give it a high nutritional and therapeutic value.

In fact, for centuries chaya has been part of the diet of the people who live in southern Mexico; and one of the reasons why it has attracted the attention of experts is because Chaya has a high content of flavonoids, which makes it stand out in its pharmacological potential.

Note. Despite the wonders of this plant, we recommend that you always follow the instructions of a doctor who is an expert in natural medicine.

Estudios han demostrado el uso terapéutico de la chaya en la medicina tradicional, es antioxidante, antiinflamatorio y se usa para el tratamiento de diabetes y enfermedades renales (García-Rodríguez et al. 2014).

De acuerdo a investigadores la Chaya contiene moléculas como proteínas, vitaminas, aminoácidos,ácidos grasos, y principios activos (moléculas orgánicas naturales) tales como polifenoles (Pérez-González et al. 2017) y flavonoides, de estos últimos destacan la quercetina y kaempferol que en conjunto le confieren un alto valor nutritivo y terapéutico.

De hecho, por siglos la chaya ha formado parte de la dieta de las personas que habitan en el sur de México; y una de las razones porque ha llamdo la atencion de epertos es porque la Chaya  tiene alto contenido de flavonoides lo que lo hace destacar en su potencial farmacológico.

Nota. Apesar de las maravillas de esta planta, le recomendamos seguir siempre las indicaciones de un medico experto en medicina natural.

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