Product Code: COLITIS-3oz
Availability: In Stock
Weight: 0.19lb

Price: $15.99

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Natural tea to relieve nervous colitis, irritable bowel syndrome. Nervous colitis is a condition that is caused by tension, emotional problems such as worries, anxiety, nerves, and bad eating habits.

Some symptoms are constipation, diarrhea, bloating, and gas. This is attributable to constant pain in the abdomen, colic, greater force of evacuation at the beginning of defecation.

Natural tea to relieve nervous colitis, irritable bowel syndrome. La colitis nerviosa es un padecimiento que se produce por tensión, problemas emocionales como lo son preocupaciones, ansiedad, nervios y malos hábitos alimenticios. 

Algunos sintomas son:  estreñimiento, diarrea, inflamación y gases. Esto attribuye al dolor constante del abdomen, Cólicos, mayor fuerza de evacuación al iniciar la defecación.

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